A great way to enhance your productivity is by uncluttering your desktop and taskbar, as there are programs that you do not need to see running all the time, such as your e-mail program or some utility that does backgroud work.
A cheap (or free!) solution to that is by enabling multiple desktops. Just imagine having four desktops. In one of them you keep your word processor and web browser, in another you keep your e-mail program, an antivirus in the third one, etc. And you can exchange between them with 1 click. It may take a while getting used to, but it definitely improves your usage of the computer when you do it.
There are many utilities that can do it on Mac, but I heartly recommend the freeware
Desktop Manager. It's very powerful, I just tested it and it allowed me to created 100 desktops! Ok, usually I only use two, but it's a sweet app anyway.